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Kim Vogel Sawyer's King's Inn Breakfast Bread Pudding

Award-winning, bestselling author Kim Vogel Sawyer wears many hats. As a wife, mother, grandmother, song-singer, cat-petter, and active participant in her church’s music and women’s ministries, her life is happily full. But her passion lies in penning stories that share the hope we can all possess when we place our lives in God’s capable hands. She and her retired military hubby live on the beautiful plains of Kansas, the setting for many of Kim’s books. In her free time, she enjoys quilting, traveling with “The Hubs,” and spoiling her quiverful of granddarlings. Learn more about Kim and her books HERE. 
Kim's Latest Book Release: Room for Hope
In a desperate time, can Neva find forgiveness for a grievous wrong—and make room for hope?
Neva Shilling has a heavy load of responsibility while her husband travels to neighboring communities and sells items from his wagon. In his absence, she faithfully runs the Shilling Mercantile, working to keep their business strong as the Depression takes its toll, and caring for their twins.
When a wagon pulls up after supper, Neva and her children rush out—and into the presence of the deputy driving a wagon carrying three young children. The deputy shocks her with the news that Warren and his wife have died, insisting it was their last request that the three children go live with “Aunt Neva.”
Neva’s heart is shattered as she realizes that Warren’s month-long travels were excuses for visits with his secret family. She wants nothing more than to forget Warren, but can she abandon these innocent children to an orphanage? Yet if she takes them in, will she ever be able to see them as more than evidence of her husband’s betrayal and love them the way God does? Purchase the book HERE. 

Kim's recipe for The King's Inn Breakfast Bread Pudding

Spray 6 LARGE muffin tins with non-stick spray
Sprinkle chopped walnut, dried cranberries, and 1 T. brown sugar in bottom of each tin

Tear 3 apple fritters into small pieces and fill muffin tins with pieces

Combine and mix well:
6 beaten eggs + milk or cream to make 2 cups liquid
1 t. vanilla
1 T. cinnamon

Pour 1/4 c. liquid over fritters. Let set over night. Bake at 350-degrees for 45-60 minutes (until toothpick inserted in center comes out clean). Serve with fried apples, if desired. (It’s also great with bacon!)

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