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Jessica Keller's Hot Cocoa


 As a child Jessica possessed the dangerous combination of too much energy coupled with an over-active imagination. This pairing led to more than seven broken bones and countless scars. Oddly enough, she’s worked as a zookeeper, a librarian, camp counselor, horse wrangler, housekeeper, and finance clerk, but now loves her full-time work in law enforcement.

Former editor of both her college newspaper and literary journal at Trinity International University, Jessica received degrees in both Communications and Biblical Studies. She lives in the Chicagoland suburbs with her amazing husband and two annoyingly outgoing cats that happen to be named after superheroes.
Jessica writes Young Adult fiction and Romance.  Her debut, Home for Good, releases Feb. 2013. Learn more about Jessica and her writing HERE

Jessica's debut novel: Home for Good

“I made a promise to protect you.”

But pregnant Ali Silver’s husband broke his vow and walked away from her. After being injured in combat, Jericho has finally come home to Bitterroot Valley to make peace with his father and regain Ali’s trust. But the single mom’s keeping secrets of her own. And someone’s killing off Ali’s cattle and sabotaging her horse therapy business. Jericho will do whatever it takes to protect his wife and be a real father to his son. Because when it comes to love and second chances, he’s one determined cowboy.

Jessica's recipe:

As each day draws colder than the last I finally throw up my hands, crying uncle. I live in the Midwest, so winter’s breath has been prickling my skin all season.
And with that thought I rush to the kitchen to warm up, because a good woman knows there are only two things that can cure the constant chill of the season: soup and hot chocolate. And who doesn’t like to wrap their hands around a mug of hot cocoa? I’m not talking the store-bought package variety—do yourself a favor and chuck the stuff. No, I’m talking from scratch spoon-licking-good hot chocolate.

Homemade Hot Cocoa

1/3 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
1/2 cup white sugar
1 pinch salt
1/3 cup boiling water
3 1/2 cups milk
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1/2 cup whipping cream (heavy or half-and-half)
To the boiling water, add cocoa, sugar, and pinch of salt. Bring to a boil while you stir then simmer, stirring for two minutes. Do not scorch! Stir in the milk and heat until very hot (but don’t bring to a boil or the milk will spoil). Remove from heat and add vanilla and cream. Ladle into mugs and top with whipped cream and/or chocolate shavings. Enjoy! 

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